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5 Reasons You Should Be Getting Your Air Ducts Cleaned Regularly

Your Duct Cleaning Professionals

Statistics shows that most people spend 60 to 90% of their time indoor, and for the most part of the day depending on air confined within the HVAC system, yet only a few of these people care about much about air quality indoors. Of course, the most critical thing a homeowner can do to improve the quality of air when indoors it to have the HVAC working properly and changing the filter, however, cleaning the air duct has been said to improve air quality significantly. The procedure of air duct cleaning in Los Angeles involves removing the dust and debris from the duct system component of the HVAC, and other related systems. Do not just clean your air duct after an ‘event’. Here are five reasons you need to be doing it regularly.

1. Preventing health issues

The most important reason you need to clean your air duct regularly is the health of your family. The amount of harmful contaminants produced in your home when the ducts are not cleaned regularly is surprisingly high and can affect family members with asthma, allergies, as well as other respiratory conditions. Regular air duct cleaning can improve most of these health problems.

2. Better performance on your system

Dust, pet dander, allergens, harmful toxins from molds, mildew, or rodent droppings, all are captured in the air ducts restricting the airflow moving in the ducts. When air ducts aren’t frequently cleaned, this will reduce the overall performance of the system, and it will be harder to draw and move air to your room. According to the U.S Department of Energy, ducts that are filled with contaminants are said to waste at least 40 % of the energy that the system uses; this means you will also be conserving a lot of energy and saving money.

3. Eliminating the Musty Odor

Dust, bacteria, and mold within the duct system will likely bring an unpleasant smell. Rather than consistently buying fresheners and scented candles, consider improving the quality of air and eliminating that musty odor by cleaning your air duct regularly.

4. Increasing the lifespan of your system

You probably know how an HVAC system is expensive, and the last thing you want is having to replace another one soon. However, approximately 9 out of 10 systems usually break because they are not maintained properly. Cleaning your system is an important maintenance service that will help eliminate the unexpected expenses on your system and extend the system’s lifespan.

5. Cleanliness

A professional air duct cleaner typically removes 15 pounds of dust, dirt, and debris. These contaminates have been circulating throughout the house every time you turn your system. Regular cleaning allows you to provide your family with a healthy and functional home free of air contaminates

Regularly cleaning your air duct is not only good for your health and those you love, but also a better way to improving the performance of your system, which also saves you money in the long run. Remember that cleaning the air duct is not something to do on your own; yes, you can access some of the duct, but not as much as a cleaning technician. Find an air duct cleaning in Los Angeles technicians to help clean your air duct thoroughly while making sure your system is working properly.
