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Pollen and Your HVAC System

Your Duct Cleaning Professionals

As those of us who suffer from seasonal allergies know all too well, warmer weather means more pollen and spores floating around in the air – not to mention the increased growth of dust mites and mold – that can trigger allergy symptoms at a moment’s notice. This is why allergy sufferers often opt to ride out perfectly nice weather from the safety and shelter of an enclosed, air conditioned room.

Particularly for residents of perpetually warm cities, their allergies can feel oppressive and restrict their movement at times. Given that indoor, climate controlled environments can act almost like a sanctuary at times, it’s important to make sure the air stays slightly chilled with minimal humidity to deter the spread of allergens. Regardless of the building or location, one key to maintaining this sort of enjoyable interior climate is making sure to keep your HVAC system in good shape.

When people from out of town visit cities that have reputations for nice weather – such as LA – they assume their allergy problems will magically disappear. Unfortunately, this is not the case as the warm sunshine only encourages plants to release more pollen to torment allergy-sufferers. Pretty soon, these would-be tourists find themselves retreating to their hotel rooms before the end of the day in search of some measure of relief from the allergens that have begun to torment them. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always mean they find protection indoors, as even commercial air conditioning units require upkeep and are capable of falling into disrepair.

Over time, air filters and seals become old and lose effectiveness, allowing mold, dust and other allergens to build up throughout an HVAC system. Pollen is the worst offender by far, as it can affect how well your system operates in addition to impacting air quality. These pollutants cause your whole system to become more inefficient over time, increasing your electricity costs and placing extra stress on your HVAC unit that could potentially cause it to fail prematurely. Without action, it will continue to hurt system efficiency while continuing to circulate and wreak havoc on occupants with allergies – bad news for homeowners and business owners who want to keep their clientele happy.

The key to avoiding such an uninviting atmosphere is to be proactive in maintaining your air conditioning and furnace systems – including routinely cleaning your air ducts. Also, it’s especially important to clean your air filters at least once a month and change them at least every three months, as they are very easily susceptible to pollen. These issues can fester for months if you’re not careful and put off necessary routine upkeep. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the air quality becomes noticeably worse as you begin to notice more dust and rooms begin to smell musty. These are the signs that you’ve neglected your system for too long and that it may be too late to avoid some very costly and extensive cleaning and repair bills.

Fortunately, you can prevent costly HVAC bills as well as improve air quality and the health of you and your guests by having your system routinely cleaned by qualified professionals.
